No tickets or reservations are required.
MISTO is back with a new late fall menu (below)!
*Beef Bourguignon with Gulden Farm Beef, REd Wine, Mushrooms, Carrots, Onions, Garlic, Shallots, Thyme and Bacon. Served over Mashed Potatoes.
*Truffled Grilled Cheese with McGrath Cheese Co. Hootenanny Cheese (vegetarian)
*Creamy Tomato Soup (vegetarian)
*Combo Truffled Grilled Cheese with Creamy Tomato Soup
*Tiramisu - Gluten-free Creamy, Rich Chocolate + Coffee Flavored - Dusted with Cocoa Powder + Shaved Dark Chocolate
Learn more about our Wine and Cider offerings
Apple picking open from 9am-5pm on Sat, Nov 6th. Taproom 12-8pm.