Our 2024 honey harvest is now available!
At Rose Hill Farm, we manage our bee hives organically.
Raw Honey: Starting 2024, we now offer Raw Honey! Raw honey is sourced directly from the comb. It’s strained but not filtered, heated or processed. There may be a small amount of comb wax that will float to the top of the bottle.
Articles in peer reviewed journal support the ingestion of honey containing local honey can help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms. Raw Honey contains the highest possible amount of pollen.
Lightly Filtered Honey: For our lightly filtered honey, we use a filter pore size that is more than 10x the size of the largest pollen molecule. Lightly filtered honey will have a reduced pollen content but, due to the large pore filter we use, still contain pollen and will not have comb wax.
Where to Buy: Our Raw and Lightly Filtered Honey are sold onsite at Rose Hill Farm, at our seasonal Farmstand and year round at our WInery Taproom. Our honey is offered at $15 for an 8 oz bottle by volume.
Disclosure: Never feed honey to children less than 1 year old.